
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An apology to my readers...

I just want to say I'm sorry for the lack of new recipes this week.  I have been sick with strep throat so I'm not cooking at all.  I owe a HUGE thank you to my wonderful husband and my in laws for taking care of the kids while I have been sick.  Hopefully in a few days I will be feeling well enough to start cooking up a storm like I normally do.  Thanks for reading, and I promise to return as soon as I can with some great new recipes!!

Oh, a P.S. My mother in law gave me a camera so there won't be anymore blurry camera phone pictures...woohoo!!


  1. Stink-o! I hope that you feel better. Congrats on the new camera!

  2. Thanks Michelle, I am feeling much better today.
