
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Broccoli Cheese Soup

I truly don't know of a better meal on a cold day other than soup and bread.  Warm, filling, easy to prepare and budget friendly, soups and stews are a mainstay in my kitchen.  We eat them at least once a week, sometimes twice a week in cold weather.  I love pairing them with bread bowls, a simple dinner roll, or a slice of oatmeal bread. 

This broccoli cheese soup came from Mel at My Kitchen Cafe, and like always happens with her recipes, I was thrilled with the outcome.  The true beauty of this soup is it can be made to your specific tastes.  I used all cheddar cheese because it was what I had on hand, added more onion because I like a lot of onion, and loaded it down with a ton of broccoli because my kids LOVE broccoli, (I know it sounds strange but they truly love green veggies).

For other great savings ideas go check out the Real Food Deals over at Premeditated Leftovers!

Broccoli Cheese Soup
Recipe Source: Modified from My Kitchen Cafe

3 c chicken broth
1 small onion, diced
2/3 c. flour
1/2 c. butter
Pepper to taste
4 c. milk
4 c. shredded cheddar cheese (the sharper the better for flavor)
steamed chopped broccoli (the amount of broccoli really boils down to preference)

Simmer chicken broth and chopped onion for 15-20 minutes in a covered small saucepan, until onions are soft. Heat milk in microwave for 1-2 minutes. In a separate medium-sized stockpot, melt butter then add flour and pepper. Cook together for a couple of minutes, then whisk in warmed milk. Stir and heat together on medium-high heat until soup starts to thicken. Next add chicken broth and continue to stir until well blended. Add cheeses one handful at a time allowing the cheese to melt in between additions.  Add steamed broccoli. Serve immediately.


  1. This looks delicious! Organic broccoli is on sale at my local store this week and I have onions and potatoes from my garden in the pantry, so this will be a very frugal meal for me to make!

  2. Potatoes would be a wonderful addition to this soup!

  3. I just made broccoli cheese soup last night! I also use Mel's recipe and absolutely love it. My husband does too, and I always double the recipe :)

  4. this recipes sounds so good. my husband loves soups with cheese in it. so i will be making this one soon. thanks for sharing.
