
Monday, January 28, 2013

Lite Cheddar Broccoli Soup

Secret Recipe Club

For the last few weeks my part of the world has been enduring freezing temperatures   By freezing I mean highs around 15 degrees Fahrenheit.  If anything says soup weather, these temperatures sure do! So, for this month's Secret Recipe Club I chose this  Light Cheddar Broccoli Soup from I Am a Honey Bee.  I loved that Nicole, the blog's author writes a blog with recipes, restaurant reviews, and scrap booking posts.  It is creative and fun, and I loved checking in to see what new surprises might be posted.

On to the soup! Not only was this soup warm on a cold winter's day, it was great to try a recipe for a family favorite that is lower in fat and calories, but full of a TON of flavor.  It was easy to make, and it took little time or effort.  I stayed to true to the recipe and didn't make any changes other than the type of low fat cheese I used. ENJOY!

Lite Cheddar Broccoli Soup
Recipe Source: I Am a Honey Bee

2 heads of broccoli
3 cups  skim milk
2 cups chicken stock/vegetable broth
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
8oz of shredded reduced fat cheddar cheese

Finely chop the broccoli including the stems. In a large pot, combine the milk broccoli and simmer about 10 minutes or until the broccoli is tender.  

Heat a small pot, and then sauté the onions with 2 tablespoons butter. When the onions are soft and translucent, sprinkle the flour in and stir with a wooden spoon until the flour is evenly coating the onions.   Add the broth slowly and mix until all lumps of flour are broken down.

Add the broth mixture into the pot with the broccoli and milk.  Allow to heat through.  Slowly add the cheese until well combined.  Serve immediately. 


  1. I adore broccoli cheese soup of all kind. They are so tasty!

    Happy reveal day!

  2. I love broccoli cheddar too -- so I'm with Sarah -- this looks wonderful!

  3. Perfect cold weather soup and it looks delicious. We have also had a month of very cold temps. It's 27 right now, feels like a heat wave!
    Stay warm.

  4. Glad you enjoyed this. I love this soup. It's a nice comforting soup for a cold day.

  5. Yum! I LOVE broccoli cheddar soup, so awesome that this is a *lighter* version :-)

  6. Broccoli cheddar soup is one of my favorites, but it is so heavy so we don't enjoy it as often as I'd like. Thanks for the lightened up version!!

  7. sounds super yummy! Nothing like broccoli and cheddar soup. I'm a fellow group D'er

  8. I love warm hearty soups on cold days, and its hard to find a good one that tastes great but isn't terribly bad for you! I have a version of this soup on my blog, but yours is so much creamier than mine! Great job!

  9. I love broc and cheddar soup! This light version looks great!

  10. This looks really good! I can't wait to try it.
