
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chicken Pinwheels

These little babies are simple, flexible, and delicious!  Don't repeat this but I ate three in one sitting. It was only because my family needed to eat their dinners that I didn't eat more.  The recipe idea came from a few different places.  The first from my friend and fellow book club member who brought a version made with crescent rolls, cream, cheese, onion and bacon...can you say mouth watering?!  They were sooooo good!  Then a few days later Mel at My Kitchen Cafe posted a similar recipe using ham and broccoli. 

Any combination of meat, cheese, veggies and seasoning can be used.  Next time I think I might do a Mexican style one with cream cheese, salsa, seasoned taco meat etc., or a chicken cordon bleu style with chicken, ham, and Swiss cheese.  I used the french roll recipe in mine because that is what Melanie used but try any favorite roll recipe you have or even refrigerated crescent rolls or the bread dough that can be found in the freezer section.
Chicken Broccoli Pinwheels
Recipe Source: Adaptations of Lisa and Mel's Recipes

1 recipe French Roll Dough, or your choice of dough will work too
8 ounces cream cheese, softened (I used Yogurt Cheese)
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 cups chopped, cooked chicken
1 1/2 cups finely chopped broccoli
2 cups cheese (Use your favorite, anything works.  I used a mix of cheddar and mozzarella)
3/4 cup finely chopped green onions

Follow the recipe for your roll dough until the dough has risen. Punch down the dough and roll the dough out into a large rectangle (approximately 13x20 inches).

In a small bowl, cream together the butter and cream cheese. Spread the rolled out dough with the butter/cream cheese mixture. Top with each of your fillings. 
Roll the dough up, like you would a batch of cinnamon rolls. Slice the roll into about 1-inch segments.
 Place the rolls on a lightly greased baking sheet and cover with plastic wrap.

 Let the rolls rise until nearly doubled and bake at 350 degrees for about 35-45 minutes, until lightly browned and bubbly.  Enjoy with a nice salad and great friends!

***These freeze beautifully.  After slicing the pinwheels, place them on a cookie sheet and freeze.  Once frozen, wrap the pinwheels, label and return to the freezer.  On the day you want to serve them, set them on a cookie sheet lightly covered.  They will raise as the they thaw.  Place in the oven and bake as directed above. 

Total Cost $5.72 for the whole batch (This made 20 pinwheels, I baked half and froze half for dinner another night so each dinner cost is $2.86!)

French Roll Dough $.51
Yogurt Cheese $1.11
Butter $.31
Broccoli $.77
Chicken $.98 (I found a killer deal on Chicken Breasts)
Cheese $1.24
Green Onion $.80


  1. Jenn this is a great recipe. Never have I thought of this. I suppose puff pastry would work too. Bookmarked!

  2. Jelena puff pastry would be fabulous...but really what isn't good with puff pastry? I have yet to find anything!

  3. I made this tonight… and it was really tasty. Everyone loved it. However, while the rolls were rising, the sides of the rolls fell down so they spread apart. This made cooking time shorter, so they dried out a bit. What did I do wrong? Too many toppings, heavy toppings, not rolled tightly enough? They also taste great dipped in a little bbq sauce.

  4. Hi Mindy, I'm so glad you like them! It sounds like you either didn't roll tight enough, or you possibly rolled the dough to thin. I've had my cinnamon rolls fall on the side before when the dough was thin and this recipe is similar in preparation.

    You can also place them closer together next time so that when they rise they are touching. This will extend baking time, but make help keep the moisture in.
