
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Attention, Attention!!!


The family just returned  home from a wonderful week away.  There is just nothing like a good old American road trip.  We had a blast and now it is time for reality to return.  I apologize for the slowness of the blog and can only say that with your help good food is coming!  I have missed cooking very much and can't wait to try some new things, so I decided I want to try recipes that all of you, my readers, love and do a "Readers Recipe" entry once a week.  A few rules:
  1. All recipes must be family friendly
  2. All recipes must be sent with a story
  3. All recipes should be thrifty in some way.  Maybe you are a couponer, grew your own veggies, or eat meat that your husband/family hunted, whatever way just tell me how you save money on this recipe.
  4. All recipes need to be submitted to me via email at acooksquest at yahoo dot com 

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