Hello! My name is Jenn, and, like most women, I wear many hats. I am: a mom, wife, chauffeur, daughter, sister, aunt, teacher, counselor, couponer, referee, lover of wine and good food, and, of course, the cook. What I am not: a photographer, hence why my food photos are not the most beautiful, an athlete of any kind, which explains the size of my thighs, or a professional chef. In my free time I try my hardest to live a life full of laughter and fun while enjoying all the things I love.
This blog was born when realized that I had let go of one of my favorite hobbies--cooking. I wish there was a reason but, honestly, it was because life was just busy. This blog is about preparing recipes that my family will love, that won't break the bank, are relatively healthy, and that aren't hard to prepare. Join me on the adventure!
Contact me at: acooksquest@yahoo.com
This blog was born when realized that I had let go of one of my favorite hobbies--cooking. I wish there was a reason but, honestly, it was because life was just busy. This blog is about preparing recipes that my family will love, that won't break the bank, are relatively healthy, and that aren't hard to prepare. Join me on the adventure!
Contact me at: acooksquest@yahoo.com