Oh, the glorious donut! Frosted, Glazed, Fried and Baked...any way you make them the donut is delicious. I have seen them covered in sprinkles, coconut, and sugar, sprinkled with bacon, filled with anything you can think of and topped with any flavor icing you can imagine. In honor of the sweet breakfast treat I am re-posting one of my early recipes. These donuts are best warm and remind me of when I was little and we made homemade donuts. A few donut facts... The doughnut has existed since the beginning of time. So long that archaeologists continue to unearth fossilized bits of what look like doughnuts in the middens of prehistoric Native American settlements. The doughnut, as we know and love, supposedly came to Manhattan (then still New Amsterdam) under the Dutch name of olykoeks--"oily cakes." The first doughnut machine was invented in 1920, in New York City, by a man named Adolph Levitt, a refugee from czarist Russia. Levitt's doughnut machine was a huge...