For the last few weeks my part of the world has been enduring freezing temperatures By freezing I mean highs around 15 degrees Fahrenheit. If anything says soup weather, these temperatures sure do! So, for this month's Secret Recipe Club I chose this Light Cheddar Broccoli Soup from I Am a Honey Bee . I loved that Nicole, the blog's author writes a blog with recipes, restaurant reviews, and scrap booking posts. It is creative and fun, and I loved checking in to see what new surprises might be posted. On to the soup! Not only was this soup warm on a cold winter's day, it was great to try a recipe for a family favorite that is lower in fat and calories, but full of a TON of flavor. It was easy to make, and it took little time or effort. I stayed to true to the recipe and didn't make any changes other than the type of low fat cheese I used. ENJOY! Lite Cheddar Broccoli Soup Recipe Source: I A...
Recipes for the people I love.