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The New Year

I have been trying to write this post for quite a while.  With the New Year comes the tradition of making promises to yourself and others, making goals, and, essentially,  resetting parts of your life.  It is a start over point if you choose to take it.

Every year I join others in creating goals for myself and my life. This annual tradition always sparks some anxiety in me because I want to do many great things, and I don't always have a plan for making them happen.  I held off sharing my ideas, hopes, and goals with anyone, blog land included, because I wanted to make sure that I was being realistic with myself and not setting myself up for failure.  When I was in banking I read a book about setting goals.  It explained how writing your goals was important, well here they are for me to look at, read, and reflect on throughout the year.

There are three areas I want to focus on in 2013:

  1. My Health-  In 2013 I will make better food choices and exercise more often.   Like millions of Americans I want to be in better shape; however, weight loss is not my big goal.  Health is my big goal.  Exercise more, no fad diets, and maintain control over my hypothyroidism by being proactive when my symptoms change.  I don't expect to lose a ton of weight, because I don't really need to, but I do expect that by the time summer comes I can have more muscle, and  the strength and endurance to keep up with my extremely fit and active husband.
  2. Organization- In 2013 I will make realistic changes to ease my daily routines.  You might be asking what this means.  Well, I typically have very grand ideas and try to make big changes that are hard to follow through on. As a result there is no organization at all.  I need order.  I need things to make sense to me.  In 2012 I just had to survive.  I was in the last year of college and all my focus was on family and school.  This year I can reclaim my previous life and try to make effective changes that will make sense to me and my family's routines.
  3. Blogging-In 2013 I will plan my posts ahead of time and maintain my blog regularly. Have I mentioned I like to make big plans that are hard to follow through with?  Well this blog is a product of such planning.  It is not what I had originally envisioned, but when it was born my life was a bit  a lot less crazy.  Since I am resuming a more normal life, I want to focus time here developing this into what I originally envisioned it to be.  Please be patient with me as things are reorganized and changed.  My big goal is to include more about home and family here, in addition to food.  
So there you have it.  I hope that next year at this time I can share many successes with everyone.  What are your goals?


  1. Great goals! I am with you on the blogging one. I have actually seen so much progress traffic-wise this year since I started really putting a lot more effort into it. I have been enjoying it a lot more too!

    Thanks for popping over and commenting! I have fallen way behind with my blog reading. I've missed your blog!! Hope things are well!



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